Criteria of AI Chronicle at

by Jun 4, 2020Chronicles

I. Scope: includes 3 fields

  1. Ideas, Theories, Concepts, and Methodologies for AI through applying AI.
  2. Inventions and Innovations in AI science and technology.
  3. AI applications, iniatives in politics, governments, society, economy, business, industry.

Types of contents: documents, pictures, video, voice, evidences, products, software, apps, stories etc.


II. Criteria to identify events, figures, achieveents as historical significances in the AI Chronicle: they are either 1. Meaningful, influential pioneer (satisfy both 3 requirements: Pioneering, Meaningful, and Influential), or 2. Changing the world.

Here are the details:


1. Meaningful and influential pioneer: they have to satisfy all 3 requirements below

a. Pioneering

Pioneering of meaningful and helpful ideas, theories, methodologies, principles, concepts, initiatives, or applications.

These should be officially announced by press releases of credible organizations, newspapers, or media first, before any other launching in these issues

b. Meaningful and helpful:

Satisfies one of requirements below:

–   Creating greater efficiency for politics, government, economics, business, and society with AI.

–   Innovating politics, government, economics, business, and society with AI.

–   Creating more productivity in life: pioneer products and services to help improve quality of life worldwide with AI.

c. Influence:

Satisfies one of requirements below:

– Connect, deliver, and discuss with top centers of intellectual and high influences such as Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Princeton, Yale, University of Chicago, Brown, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford, Berkeley, UCLA, Cambridge, Oxford, etc.

– Connect and deliver to the UN, governments of G7, OECD, or governments that respect and apply the Social Contract 2020, A New Social Contract in the Age of AI.

– Connect, deliver, and discuss with highly respected leaders, distinguished thinkers, or have them involved in this event or achievement (ideas, concepts, principles, initiative, solutions).

– Coverage by at least two major newspapers, magazine, or media.

– Publish books with publishing companies of high credibility.

– Recommended and introduced at conferences of high credit organizations that respect and apply the Social Contract 2020, A New Social Contract in the Age of AI.

– Applied by governments, or large, worldwide organizations, institutions.

2. Impact on the world:



Achievements or events that changed the world to better or worse.

Eg. the Internet and the Turing Test changed the world; open AI concepts, Deep learning, Bayesian networks changed machine learning.


III. Relation to AI:

They may be directly or indirectly related to AI.

  1. Direct to AI

Ideas, theories, methodologies, concepts to AI science, technology, governance, governments, politics, society, business, industry, cultures: Turing Test, Bayesian networks, Causality (Causal and Inference), The Book of Why, the Society of Mind of Marvin Minsky, etc.

Concepts, Principles:

Eg. AI World Society, AI-politician (New Zealand), AI-government, AI-citizen.

  1. Indirect to AI:

Eg. The Internet creates connection between computer systems, increasing computational powers; the smart powers, future of power by Joseph Nye; Stephen Hawking, Max Tegmark, Frank Ramsey.


IV. Process of the AI Chronicles:

Anyone can send historical documents, achievements, events, evidences to AI Chronicles (email: [email protected]). The assistant group will review and arrange, then the History of AI Board will review and identify.